About PixieDayReader

Hello! My name is Eming Piansay and I am PixieDayReader: an intuitive tarot and oracle card reader.

Eming Piansay aka PixieDayReader

I started reading tarot in the summer of 2019. Aside from being a tarot reader, I am also a massive geek. This played a big part in my tarot journey.

One day, as I was browsing Etsy for Sailor Moon related swag I stumbled upon a fan made Sailor Moon deck. The best way I can describe it is if an electrical shock suddenly moved through the body: every fiber of my being said I needed to get this deck.

From the moment I unwrapped the deck I was in love.

Not long after I bought my first book on how to read cards. (I recently had to tape the binding down because of howl\\ much I use it.)

After months of using the Moon Crystal Tarot, I purchased the The Wisdom of the Amazon Oracle. Both have proved to be my most blunt decks that always, *always* tells it like it is.

Soon: I found myself getting decks like The Modern Witch Tarot, StarChild Tarot and it goes on and on…

One of the things that I found I loved the most while learning the tarot was the joy and spiritual enlightenment I got out of reading for others. It was an intense feelings at first. Something that I couldn’t quite explain. But the best way to color it is a feeling of a complete suspension of ones physical sense and feeling of the world melting away and forming this intense connection with another person.

It was trippy to say the least. But I felt so good after doing it. It felt amazing to give someone a reading and have it connect with them so deeply. I wanted to explore and expand this so I branded myself on Instagram as PixieDayReader and here we are!